Rarely am I happy to see protestors taking to the streets, especially here in America. It's usually some fake blood covered, long haired, college students shouting "no blood for oil" or some such bullshit. These people protest more because it's fashionable and less because they really have any real understanding of crucial geopolitics. I don't totally disregard their efforts though. It really is a great way to meet hot young liberal chicks and get laid! Grow your hair out, buy some Birkenstock sandals, perfect your anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Haliburon rhetoric and you are as good as gold. The steamy, hot monkey love with unshowered, hot little lefty girls is almost garaunteed. You'll just need to hold your nose & have a little patience with armpit hair longer than yours. But I digress.
I couldn't be happier when I watch the protests in Tehran. I realize that people are being killed and injured in the process but can you think of a better cause to die for? Democracy not only kicks ass, it's really worth dying for. Iran is has been at a tipping point for some time now. The majority of it's population in their mid thirties or younger. They are fed up. They want what we have and they want it now. This election was bullshit before it started. Did anyone really think that reformist candidate Mousavi had any chance at all? There were tens of millions of votes counted in just four hours. Four hours? You just cant rig an election like that in our world today & expect to get away with it. In the old days, dictators like Saddam could just declare victory, kill those who disagreed, and brutally rape & torture the families who dare speak out. Simple.
What's remarkable about this Iran situation is that even though the Iranian government has been shutting down internet acces, removing journalists and blocking cellphone service, the news is STILL getting out! Grainy cellphone video says it all. This is the Islamist whacko's worst nightmare! Now the whole world can witness their depravity laid out in excritiating detail! No longer can the "Supreme Leader" (yeah, they actually have a position titled supreme leader) continue his reign of righteous terror in the name of Muhammed without global scrutiny.
I hope these protests and demonstrations continue until something gives. Our own "Supreme Leader", President Obama has until now only projected a "sideline approach" in urging the violence to stop. Ahmadinejad has warned the west to mind our own business. "Hey, nothing to see hear, move along, just some pesky protestors, no biggee" He has warned the west to stop interfering. Obama needs to wrench up his/our rhetoric. Show the grainy videos, show the bloodshed, show the people of Iran fighting and dying for their freedom. Hey, is it unreasonable to want to end the public stoning of women? Iran is a country on the edge. Pay attention. It's not often in our lives that we will have the opportunity to witness an honest to God revolution.
To the Iranian people I say keep it up, demonstrate, strike, fight. Be relentless. Remember the lives lost will not be in vain.
Here we wince at the images of people dying in the streets for freedom, for democracy, what the fuck do we know. The last images of car burning, window smashing demonstration here in the US were when the Lakers beat the Magic.
Impressive and inspirational.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't more of us expressing outrage critical issues? Responsible members of society have an obligation to feel this level of passion regarding global and national issues. Trouble is, it's not possible without taking the time and effort to educate ourselves on a consistent basis. We should demand it from ourselves. We should expect it from others. We're missing the boat and the consequences are huge.
Shannon has a unique gift - an ability to inspire individuals to be and stay informed - making it exciting and inviting.
I plan to send this link to as many people as possible over the next couple of days. It's an opportunity I don't want to miss. I urge others to do the same.
Honestly... gald to have you back!
ReplyDeleteShannon, you don't know enough about history to start flinging this poop. This is not the first instance of a people attempting to overthrow a regime the US government has deemed hostile. It also isn't the first one to happen with our leadership's backs turned firmly against the action. I refer you to Hungary, 1956. Bodies piled like cord wood on the side of city streets. The President? A Republican, Eisenhower.
ReplyDeleteTienamen Square, June 1989. The president? George Herbert Walker Bush.
Dig a little deeper, you are capable of broader thinking than the average talking head for the GOP. That's why this liberal used to listen to you.